Sino -Indian relations have continued to be tense because of border disputes this year. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi appealed to the Himalayan countries on Tibet on Thursday (October 5) to persist in resolving different differences through dialogue.According to the analysis of scholars, Wang Yi obviously shouted to India, and do not regard the economic cooperation of Himalayan as a geopolitical threat.

Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, attended the opening ceremony of the third "Himalayan" International Cooperation Forum in Nyingchi, southeast of Tibet.This is the first time that the Chinese -led forum has been resumed since the outbreak of the crown disease.

Wang Yi called on regional countries to adhere to mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, interfere with each other, and support each other, and support each other on issues involving each other's core interests.

Since 2020, China -India has broke out on many conflicts on the border. The two sides have mobilized a large number of soldiers, artillery, missiles and fighters. After that, there were as many as 19 rounds of diplomatic and military negotiations, but border disturbances did not stop.

In March of this year, India hosted the G20 summit at the G20 summit at the G20 summit at the G20 summit in New Deli in March of the G20 Summit (G20), the G20 summit (G20), a

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Lajilinan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, studied and judged in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Wang Yi ’s explanation expressed his willingness to improve China -India relations. It also made clear hopesSeparate treatment, so that bilateral relations are not allowed to be completely abducted by border disputes.

Wang Yi also called on regional countries to strengthen interconnection, promote the process of regional integration, and continue to promote bilateral multilateral priority areas and key projects such as railway, highways, and aviation, and improve the level of port clearance and transit transportation facilitation.

Li Mingjiang analyzed that in the past few years, China has continued to promote economic cooperation initiatives such as cross -Himalayan and Himalayan, India has always been cautious and even opposed, worried that Beijing's strong economic strength and infrastructure construction capabilities have entered the scope of traditional Delhi, threatening it, threatening itGeopolical interests and weaken India's influence on neighboring countries.Wang Yi also wanted to take the opportunity to call on India to look at the economic cooperation of the Himalayas with a more positive attitude.

Mu Dong, a scholar of Shanghai International Relations, said in an interview that China -India is the two major powers across Himalayan, and India's absence of the value of the forum dominated by China has decreased.India's current basic idea of China policy is that they do not participate in multilateral activities led by China. They believe that participation is to "lift the station platform" for Beijing.

Mu Dong pointed out that India is also worried that it might be in isolated by the Chinese use forum and calls neighbors and shouted to New Delhi by convening neighboring countries.

After Wang Yi remembered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in late July this year, he had not talked or met with Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng.

Mu Dong's analysis, China -India relations have basically been stalemate in the past two years, and the two sides are unwilling to take the initiative to concessions. At present, they have entered the stage of "more endurance, more patience, comprehensive national strength".The two countries lack the opportunity to warm up the relationship.

Mu Dong judged that China -India Foreign Minister has no urgent need for calls or meetings. There is neither urgent problems and need to be concluded.Sex is not great. "

After the United States was under pressure on China and Tibet in August, Wang Yi criticized some Western forces on Thursday to compose lies in Tibet by ideological prejudice.Self -breaking.

Mu Dong analyzed that many southern Himalayan countries had provided the United States to facilitate the situation in Tibet during the Cold War.China has re -organized the Himalaya Forum to prevent diplomacy from preventing diplomacy and avoiding the Himalayan countries repeat the Cold War.