The momentum of continuous dense contact between China and the United States, Han Vice President Han Han held talks with the US Presidential Climate Special Envoy Chiri during the UN General Assembly.Kerry called on China to raise the ambitions to reduce emission reduction. Han Zheng said he would like to strengthen communication with the United States, deepen cooperation, and promote climate management.

Ma Zhaoxu, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry, also met with US Secretary of State Newland with the US agent executive vice -State.

Han Zheng and Kerry, and Ma Zhaoxu and Newland met on Tuesday (September 19) during the New York Conference.This is the fourth consecutive day of talks with senior officials of China and the United States; Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and the US President's National Security Assistant, Shalvan, held talks on the weekend.Meet with Han Zheng.

When Kerry visited China in July this year, he also met in Beijing and Han Zheng.According to a statement issued by the US State Department, Cry and Han discussed the high importance of bilateral and multilateral commitment to responding to the climate crisis when they met in New York, including promoting the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) at the end of the year.

Kerry reiterated that the urgency of the global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius is limited, and it is emphasized that this requires that China and the United States take ambitions.He urged China to "improve the ambitions of accelerating the emission of super pollutants such as accelerating decarburization and reducing methane."

According to Xinhua News Agency, Han Zheng has shown that China will continue to unswervingly promote the implementation of dual carbon (carbon peaks before 2030, and achieve carbon neutralization by 2060) to fully implement the Paris agreement goals.

Han Zheng said that maintaining climate dialogue and cooperation between China and the United States has great positive significance for both countries and the world."China is willing to strengthen communication with the United States, deepen cooperation, work together to promote climate governance, and make greater contributions to human development."

When Ma Zhaoxu and New Lan met, they called on China and the United States to strengthen their dialogue, properly handle differences, promote cooperation, and implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state.The United States did not release the conversation between Nuran and Ma Chaoxu.

Analysis: The best result of cooperation is that the two countries jointly issued a climate statement

At that time, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Pelosi, visited Taiwan in August last year, China -US climate consultation once fell into a shutdown; the senior management of the two countries resumed contact in the middle of this year and restarted the negotiations in the climate field of both parties.

Cry, during the visit to China in July, had a special envoy with Chinese climate change affairs for more than 26 hours within three days. The two sides also held video talks in August.However, the officials of the two countries have not explicitly proposed specific cooperation matters for the two parties in the past few months of press releases.

Li Shuo, a senior policy consultant of the International Environment Organization, analyzes during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao. In the current situation of Sino -US overall relationships, "the best results in recent climatic consultations can be achieved.Disclaimer that a more possible time is during the COP28 period. "COP28 was held in Dubai at the end of November to early December.

It is generally believed that the Sino -US dollar is likely to meet in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit held in San Francisco in November.

Li Shuo pointed out that whether Xi Make can be realized during the APEC period, it is essential for whether China and the United States can issue a joint climate statement during the year.However, the outside world should not have too high expectations. At present, it is difficult for China and the United States to reach too many substantial cooperation. Even if the two parties issued a joint statement, this statement is difficult to determine the global climate agenda.statement.