Following the Mate 60 Pro mobile phone at the end of August, Chinese technology giant Huawei Huawei proposed a comprehensive intelligence strategy on Wednesday (September 20).Huawei Vice Chairman Meng Wanzhou said at the Huawei Full Linking Conference held in Shanghai that Huawei will build a solid base for China's computing power and build a second choice for the world.

Huawei issued a press release showing that Meng Wanzhou, the chairman of Huawei and the chief financial officer, said at the conference that the development of artificial intelligence (AI) is the core driving force.The scarcity and expensive computing power has become the core factor restricting the development of AI.

She said that Huawei will continue to improve the integration ability of "soft and hard core edge clouds", do thick "black land", and meet the needs of AI computing power in various industries.

Regarding the breakthrough direction of the development of compassion, Meng Wanzhou said that Huawei will change the traditional server stack mode, use the ideas of systematic architecture to innovate, and strive to create an AI cluster to achieve an integrated design of computing power, transportation power, and profile.Breakthrough computing power bottleneck.

Huawei launched the Mate 60 series flagship mobile phone at the end of August, showing that the development of Chinese chips under the blockade of American technology has made a preliminary breakthrough.This is the first time Meng Wanzhou made a public speech after Huawei's new machine was released.

At this conference, Huawei officially proposed a comprehensive and intelligent strategy. The goal is to "accelerate the intelligent transformation of thousands of industry", so that all objects can be connected, all applications can be used, and all decisions can be calculated.

Boomedies by the news, China's A -share computing power sector rose against the market on Wednesday, the competition has reached the daily limit, and Nanling Technology's close rose by more than 9%, and Tuowei information rose more than 7%.

Huawei's Shengteng series chips are regarded as "the flag carriers" of China's domestic AI computing power.At the Conference on Wednesday, Wang Tao, the director of Huawei, director of the ICT Infrastructure Business Management Committee, and the president of Enterprise BG, launched a new generation of Shengteng AI computing cluster ATLAS 900 SuperCluster, which can support large model training with over trillion parameters.

Wang Tao said that in the process of industry intelligence, it is facing challenges such as data, computing power, algorithms, and application deployments.AI is difficult to settle in the industry scene.

Huawei executives recently mentioned the computing power needs of artificial intelligence in different occasions, and the company will be committed to building a leading computing power platform.Recently, in a public occasion of ZAI, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei also talked about the importance of the algorithm.

The official website of the International University Student Program Design Competition (ICPC) disclosed the Minutes of Ren Zhengfei with the ICPC Foundation and the students of the coach and gold medal winner on Tuesday (September 19).In this minutes, Ren Zhengfei said that people are about to enter the magnificent fourth industrial revolution, and its scale is unimaginable.