Japanese media reported that since the launch of the nuclear treatment of water, the Japanese Embassy in China has received more than 400,000 links.

According to the Kyodo News Agency of Japan, the Japanese government related persons revealed on Tuesday (September 19) that the Tokyo Power Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station processing water discharge into the sea operations in the seaThe Chinese Embassy received a total of more than 400,000 harassment calls from China.

Relevant sources said that at the peak of harassment calls, more than 40,000 days.The number of harassment calls around the end of August has decreased, but it still maintains a high frequency. At present, there are currently about 10,000.Ambassador exchanges that can be connected to 30 calls at a time are paralyzed.The Japanese government has repeatedly requested the Chinese government to respond to the incident on the grounds of hindering the conventional business, but it has not improved.

Most of the harassing calls are fierce abuse or silent calls of Japan, as well as threatening content.The embassy records the phone number with a bad nature of the character and reports to the public security department.Relevant persons in the Japanese government emphasized that "never tolerate swallowing."

China ’s domestic laws and regulations will assume legal responsibilities if frequent harassment calls interfere in the normal life of others.Relevant sources said that the Japanese government will continue to persuade Chinese to regulate cases of bad nature.