Super Typhoon "Sura" approached. Shenzhen, China on Friday (September 1), China announced the start of typhoon prevention and flood control first -level emergency responses.

According to the "Shenzhen Emergency Management" WeChat public account, Shenzhen Flood Control, Drought Control, Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and Wind and PreventionFirst -level emergency response.

Following the suspension of classes on Thursday (August 31st) in the afternoon, Shenzhen City will be suspended, closed, and stopped from 4 pm on Friday.Except for the people's livelihood guarantee personnel, other personnel cannot go out at will.The city will also open all the insurance places for the masses to shelter.

With the continued approaching of the typhoon "Sura", China Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue the highest -level typhoon red warning.According to the forecast, "Sura" will move north to north at a speed of 10 to 15 kilometers per hour, and the intensity will not change much.Hui came to Hong Kong's coastal landing.

Affected by typhoons, Hong Kong announced on Friday that all schools including primary and secondary schools and kindergartens were stopped on Friday for one day on Friday. At the same time, the ferry services of all inner ports and outlying islands on the day have been suspended.The Hong Kong Exchange also delayed opening the market.

The Guangzhou Education Bureau, Emergency Administration, and Municipal Meteorological Bureau also announced that it will implement measures to suspend classes, suspension, production, suspension, and suspension of transportation step by step to maximize disaster losses.