中国国有五大行和多家股份制银行星期五(September 1) Collectively lowered the deposit interest rate to boost the sluggish real estate market and the faltering economy, and at the same time, it also relieved the continuous decline in profit margin to the bank's operating pressure.

Comprehensive Reuters, Surging News, and Xinhua News Agency reported that the five major state -owned banks, Agricultural Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, and China Merchants Bank's collective updated RMB deposit interest rate list on Friday.The first -year rectification rate is reduced by 10 to 1.55%, the second -year rectification rate is reduced by 20 basis points to 1.85%, and the three -year and five -year rectification interest rate is reduced by 25 basis points.From 2.2%and 2.25%, respectively.Active deposit, three months, and six months of full deposits and overall interest rates remain unchanged.

In addition, the joint -stock banks such as Industrial Bank, Everbright Bank, Minsheng Bank, Ping An Bank, Zhejiang Commercial Bank, Bohai Bank and other joint -stock banks have also lowered the interest rate of RMB deposit on the same day, and the deadlines involved in the downgrade, the range and the National Bank of China maintained.Consistent.

Three people familiar with the matter said that in addition to the major national banks, China's major national banks will also be prepared to reduce the existing mortgage loan interest rate to revitalize the real estate industry that has been impacted by the debt crisis.

The State Administration of Finance and Administration of the People's Republic of China announced on Thursday that it will reduce the minimum down payment ratio of the first and two -sets of housing from September 25, and reduce the interest rate of the first set of housing loans in stock, try new measuresTo reverse the decline in the Chinese property market and stimulate buying needs.

This is less than three months after the deposit interest rate of China's national bank downgraded in early June of this year, and it was receded in less than three months.Compared with the downgrade of June, the interest rate of this deposit rate is generally larger, and it is mainly aimed at regular deposits and large deposits.

Moodie Bank analyst Nicholas Zhu analyzed that the lowered deposit interest rate can partially offset the pressure brought by the narrowing of the net interest difference between the bank.Considering that nearly three -quarters of the liabilities in China's banks are deposit, the impact of the deposit interest rate is reduced.

The net interest difference refers to the interest difference between loan interest income and deposit interest expenditure.As of the end of June, the net interest difference between China's banking industry was 1.74%. At the recent mid -term performance conference of many listed banks, many bank executives predicted that the net interest margin in the second half of the year was still narrowing.