A survey for Japanese companies showed that 19.6%of Japanese companies regarded mainland China as the most important overseas sales market, which was 6.3 percentage points less than the survey before the crown disease.

According to the Japanese website, the Japanese investigation company Teikoku Databank (Teikoku DataBank) asked 2,292 Japanese companies in the overseas overseas in late June and asked the country and region that attaches the most importance to the sales base.The results of the survey showed that the first place was in mainland China, the second was the United States, accounting for 9.8%.Compared with the September 2019 survey before the epidemic, it has increased by 0.9 percentage points.

The statistics of the Japan Trade Promotion Institution (Jetro) show that at the China Beauty Expo held in Shanghai in May, more than 100 Japanese companies participating in the exhibition decreased compared with about 130 in 2018.The China Beauty Expo is the largest beauty -related field of beauty -related fields in Asia.

The Nikkei Chinese website reports that some analysts believe that in addition to the increase in costs such as labor costs, geopolitical risks such as the Taiwan Strait issue also affect the above results.

The survey results also show that from the perspective of countries and regions that are attached to the production base, mainland China is the first place, accounting for 17.1%, but it has decreased by 6.7 percentage points than before the epidemic.Among the top 10 countries and regions, compared with the importance before the epidemic, only India, which ranked eighth, accounted for 1.3%.