The Chinese Ambassador to France, Lu Shayan, repeat the matter after a month and a half, believes that the freedom of speech in the open TV debate should be guaranteed, and emphasized that his remarks are not conflicted with the Chinese official foreign policy.People have done a lot of questions. "

The Chinese Embassy in France announced on Saturday (June 3rd) in the evening that Lu Shaye accepted an interview report from the French independent media "legal perspective" (VU DU DROIT) on May 31.This is also the first time that Lusha Ye has been interviewed by European media since April 21.

In an interview with LCI TV in April, Lushawan questioned the sovereign state of the former Soviet Union to join the Republic.The remarks caused a stir in Europe. Nearly 80 European members co -signed on the France to expel Lu Shaye. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs also asked China to explain it.The Chinese Embassy in France subsequently issued a statement clarifying that Lu Shaye's statement was personal position, not the official Chinese policy declaration, and emphasized that China respects the sovereignty state status of the Republic of the Republic after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

When Luliso talked with the "legal perspective" last week, he accused LCI TV reporters of "very unfairness" to provoke the argument.Lu Shayan said that he was interviewed by TV, and his expression should not be limited.The next day LCI asked other experts to criticize and condemn him, "very unknown.""This is just my personal point of view. If someone disagrees, we can discuss it, and there is no need to attack me."

According to the interview draft released by the Chinese Embassy, the reporter of the "legal perspective" of Lu Shaye also pointed out that this storm is a "malicious argument", "those people are malicious. Unfortunately, French media often do this."

Lu Shayan believes that the key to the discussion is not whether he is right or wrong, but whether there is freedom of speech in the open debate of television, "freedom of speech should be guaranteed."

Lu Shayan also said that his personal views did not prevent the Chinese government from maintaining official relations with the former Soviet Union's joining the Republic. China is the earliest country to establish diplomatic relations with these former republics to join the Republic of the Soviet Union."What I said is not conflicting with China's official foreign policy. Some people have done a lot of questions."

On April 26, five days later, the Chinese official and Ukraine President Zelei Sky went on April 26, and announced that it would send a special representative of Chinese government Eurasian affairs to Ukraine and other countries to communicate with all parties to solve the crisis.Some analysts believe that the opportunity of Chinese officials with Zelekiski is exactly that Luosye's remarks have caused a strong rebound in Europe, which prompted China to take action as soon as possible in order to dilute the adverse effects.

Since then, the Chinese government's Eurasian affairs Li Hui has visited Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, EU headquarters and Russia from May 15th to 26th to political solving the Ukrainian crisis with contacts and exchanges with all parties.

Lu Shaye also talked about Li Hui's visit to Europe in an interview, referring to not all countries accepted China's peaceful claims, because the battlefield situation was not favorable, the war continued to delay, and "the United States and the United States behind Ukraine andNATO does not want the end of the war. "

He said that NATO and Western countries can only negotiate after Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine, while Russia's request is completely opposite.China put forward peaceful claims, but it is impossible to force relevant parties to accept Beijing's claims."What we can do is to promote peace talks and political solution."

The latest speech of Lushaye has not caused widespread discussion overseas.On the Chinese social media platform Weibo, most netizens expressed support for him.Kim Can Rong, a professor at the International Relations of Renmin University of China, posted a Weibo saying: "Ambassador Lu Shaye can finally have the opportunity to respond to himself. After that interview, some countries have attacked Ambassador Lu like a lunatic." Analysts pointed out that the turmoil caused by Lu Shaye had basically subsided. At this time, he explained that he was suspected of painting snakes, so it was more likely to be his personal decision.However, this also shows that Lushayo is not held accountable as the outside world expectations, as public opinion storms, and still have the freedom to express personal opinions.On the one hand, it reflects that China's control of diplomats has relaxed, and on the other hand, it shows that Lu Shaye's remarks still have a market in China.