Anning therapy has gradually entered the public vision in China in recent years, and more and more regions have begun pilot work.With the deepening of population aging, the demand for China's enduring care services is also increasing. However, China's tranquility treatment still faces realistic issues such as low public awareness, incomplete service system, and lack of talents.

Zeng Shi Report


If life enters the countdown, is it rescued at all costs or life and death at all costs, making the curtain of life more dignified?

One weekend in May, a community pension service center in Guangzhou conducted a special training. Students and mentors discussed and communicated with each other, regarding life and death, respect and blessings.This theme is the training of life care skills to help students master the service skills of the spiritual comfort of Anning therapy, and establish a correct outlook on life, calmly face life and death, and better accompany and care.

More than ten people under the stage are from different positions and occupations. They include both staff members of the elderly service agencies, first -line social workers, as well as the public who are interested in dying.After mastering skills and working methods, they may enter different community service points in Guangzhou and become a tranquilized volunteer volunteer, and start farewell again and again.

China is accelerating the development of tranquility treatment services and expanding the supply of related services. The picture shows the training training in a community service center in Guangzhou.(Photo by Zeng Shi)

Hu Yanxia, deputy director of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province, is one of the mentors of this training.In her hospital, there is such a tranquilized volunteer service team. Among the multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment (MDT) team, not only medical staff, nutritionists, pain managers, but also volunteers, rehabilitation divisions, religious staff, etc.According to the patient's psychology, social and spiritual needs, give comprehensive care and care.

Patients or family members need to sign an agreement on Anning therapy before receiving tranquility treatment, including some treatment items that are agreed to abandon in order to avoid suffering from more torture and pain at the end of their dying.Different from the medical behavior of cure for the goal, in the process of providing tranquility care services, the patient's feelings are always first. To this end, the team members must hold meetings with patients and family members from time to time to listen to the patient's own needs and willingness.

Hu Yanxia, also the captain of the Anning therapy service team of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province, told Lianhe Morning Post that the service purpose of Anning therapy is to relieve the patient's physical and mental pain, improve the quality of survival, and give patients, mind, society, and society.The support of the spirit is to achieve no pain, no trouble, support, support, reliance on the spirit, and help family members to smooth the pain and face the death of loved ones peacefully.

The service purpose of tranquility treatment is to alleviate the physical and mental pain of patients as much as possible, improve the quality of survival, and give patients' body, mind, society, and spirit support.(Provided by Guangzhou Red House Social Work Service Center)
Anning treatment staff gives to the end of the patients to support and take care of their physical and psychological pain.The picture shows Guangzhou Anning therapy volunteers who entered the ward.(Provided by Guangzhou Red House Social Work Service Center)

According to the case shared by the Lianhe Zaobao, a 63 -year -old patient was transferred to the United Zaobao.Over the aggravation, the family members of the patients propose the need for dying care.After intervention in the peace and treatment team of the hospital, he accompanied the patient with his family members to finish the last journey of life.

One month later, the patient's family sent a gratitude letter to the hospital's tranquility treatment team, and a flag of four pages of paper.One of the family members said that after approaching and understanding the service of life, she was deeply touched and decided to choose such a service in the future.

In the case of the general public's lack of awareness of Anning therapy, Hu Yanxia said that the affirmation of patients and their families of the treatment of Anning gave their team a lot of encouragement and spiritual support.

Pilot expansion

Similar to the practice of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province in the field of tranquility, it is carried out in many places in Guangzhou and even China.In 2017, China launched the first batch of national tranquility treatment pilot work. The first batch of pilots in Haidian District, Beijing Haidian District, Jilin Changchun City, and Putuo District of Shanghai. Subsequently, in 2019, the second batch of pilot work in the country was launched in 2019., China announced the launch of the third batch of tranquil treatment pilot work.

As of now, China has 152 pilot regions in tranquility and care, covering all provinces except Tibet.After being included in the pilot areas, the work of exploring the establishment of a tranquility treatment service system in various places has set up service points in local hospitals, nursing homes, community health service centers and other places.Multi -disciplinary professional team provides service to the end of the district.

Guangzhou is one of the areas of the third batch of tranquil treatment pilot work.Prior to this, some local hospitals and community service centers have carried out the exploration of Anning therapy. One of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province is one of them. In addition, Guangzhou also has social organizations and professional social workers to enter this field.

The Guangzhou Red House Social Work Service Center, founded in 2012, began to invest in the hospice care service industry in 2015. It is the earliest social organization in Guangzhou to carry out tranquility care services, research and training.

Zhou Minhua, the founder of Red House, told Lianhe Zaobao. In the past ten years, they organized the improvement and training of volunteer Anning therapy skills, coordinated volunteers to go to the hospital and community service centers to carry out end -of -life companionship and visit services, and launched the ""Death Education Public Welfare Lecture", education for the public to carry out the education of life and death.

founded Guangzhou Red House Social Work Service Center, which was founded in 2012, began to invest in the hospice care service industry in 2015. It is the earliest social organization in Guangzhou to carry out tranquility care services, research and training.The picture shows Guangzhou Anning therapy volunteers who entered the ward.(Provided by Guangzhou Red House Social Work Service Center)

During the crown disease epidemic, patients in Chinese hospitals were restricted. Anning therapy volunteers could not enter the hospital for work, and the red house focused on talent training.Zhou Minhua said that since its establishment, they have trained nearly a thousand Anning to treat volunteers.After the training of these volunteers, they entered different community service sites and hospitals in Guangzhou to be patients with the end and end of the disease.Before the dying, the elderly provided the care of the body, psychology, and spiritual aspects to help many patients in peace and dignity to complete the last journey of life.

Guangzhou Anning Therapy Volunteer provides care, allowing patients with the end of the disease to end the last journey of life with peacefully and dignified life.(Provided by Guangzhou Red House Social Work Service Center)
The picture shows Guangzhou Anning therapy volunteers who entered the ward.(Provided by Guangzhou Red House Social Work Service Center)

Demand gradually grows

However, as a multi -disciplinary collaborative humanistic care service, Anning therapy and ending care are currently in the pilot and starting stage in China. The penetration rate is far from enough.Service and development model.

The research and practice of modern Chinese medicine in the field of tranquility and care, the earliest dates back to the 1980s.In 1988, Tianjin Medical College established China's first ending care research center, but in the following period of time, ending care and tranquility and tranquility in China have developed slowly in China.

By 2016, the State Council of China issued the "Healthy China 2030" planning outline, and for the first time incorporated An Ning therapy to include the terminology of Anning's treatment into the national health planning outline.Period life care, peace and treatment of health and elderly care services.

In 2017, the General Office of the National Health and Family Planning Commission at the time released three policy documents related to tranquility treatment, which established the basic standards, management specifications and practical requirements of tranquility treatment at the institutional level.The development and promotion of China's protection provides policy support. After that, China has opened up piloting pilots in many places.

From an international perspective, the ranking of the death quality of the elderly in China has been living for a long time.The 2015 Death Quality Index Report released by the Economist Think Tank, after integrating factors such as palliative medical and medical environment, human resources, nursing quality, medical care, and other factors, the "Death Quality Index" in 80 countries and regions around the world is carried out.Ranking, mainland China ranks 71st.In 2021, China's ranking rose and ranked 53rd, but it was still not consistent with the status of the world's second largest economic country.

Medical, Palliative Care is a professional therapy that focuses on improving the quality of life of patients and their families.

With the deepening of China's population aging, the demand for dying care services has continued to increase.Jing Jun, a professor at the Department of Sociology of Tsinghua University, published in an article in the ideological front journal last year that only a few people who entered the end of life at the end of their lives in China could get professional tranquility treatment.

Jing Jun pointed out that in China, the tranquility and care network that belongs to the medical service system can only benefit about 280,000 people each year, and the potential demand is great. For example, China adds more than 3 million cancer patients each year, and there are more than 200 every year.Patients died of cancer.

Promotion Difficulties

However, despite the gradual demand of the public, there are still many obstacles to the advancement of tranquility in China.In Hu Yanxia's view, despite the increasing power of the government, the public concept is still the biggest obstacle. The Chinese world is generally taboo to talk about death. From medical staff, patients, family members, and the public, they are still fearful and fearful to death.taboo.

Hu Yanxia said that patients and their families must first have the correct awareness of life and death in the concept, accept the situation of life and death, and death is also a normal state of life.It is also necessary to carry out the cause of life care and death education for the public.

From the perspective of the hospital, it is also known as the tranquility treatment of palliative treatment, because this means that the hospital will no longer conduct expensive examinations and treatment methods to save people. At the same time, China's current nursing services are relatively low.It is fully incorporated into the medical insurance payment system, and its profitability affects the enthusiasm of the hospital.Especially in the "one bed difficult" hospital in China, if the Anning Ward has always lost money, it is difficult to sustain the hospital and other departments for economic support for a long time.

Guangzhou Daily's previous report pointed out that in 2008, the Guangzhou Panyu City Bridge Hospital, which opened Corningke provided to the end of the care service, is the earliest hospital in Guangzhou to explore Anning therapy.On the fourth floor, thousands of patients are sent every year, but for many years, Corningke has "only earn money and drinks without making money" for this hospital. Even the salary income of medical staff in the department is lower than those of other departments.

Beijing Haidian Hospital's official website released in March last year, Zhang Fuchun's media interview with the dean of the hospital, also said that Haidian Hospital is "losing money for tranquility treatment". In summary, each year, the hospital's tranquility ward loses more than 3 million million yuan in ward of more than 3 million.Yuan (RMB, the same below, over 570,000 yuan).

In recent years, the voice of improving the safety and care protection system has gradually gradually been growing.According to, during this year, Ma Yide, a professor at the School of Intellectual Property, University of Sciences, submitted a proposal to call for the establishment and improvement of the tra chargeing system of the tranquility.The paid -paid Anning treatment charging standards have gradually implemented targeted performance evaluations for Anning therapy institutions and departments.

At the same time, the shortage of nursing talents also restricts the promotion of Anning therapy in China.Zhou Minhua pointed out that despite the increasing social needs, the talent reserves currently engaged in tranquility treatment have a serious shortage, and talent training is far from enough. In the areas of the health of elderly groups, most of them stay in the medical level of pension care and death. Talent talents, talentsIt is also concentrated in this class, and there are not many people who really enter "life and death".

Including the Red House Social Work Service Center itself, it also faces problems such as transformation.Zhou Minhua said that the Red House has always emphasized public welfare services in the past, and the institution has not had official funding support for three years.Giving care and benefiting this group of people is a problem she thinks at this stage.

Zhou Minhua, who is self -defined as a "practitioner", attributed his practice in the field of tranquility in the field of Anning for ten years as a "belief".In the face of many practical factors, path exploration continues.