Recently, a document with punishment for two projects with excessive discounts on the Kunshan Housing and Urban Construction Bureau was circulated in the industry, and one of the projects belonged to Vanke.

On May 7, the First Financial reporter learned from the agency of the above project that during the "May 1st" period, the project had taken out three buildings for promotion.The intensity is about 20 % off.However, after a shot intervention in the local residential construction department in Kunshan, the previous discounts have been recovered, and the current discount is only 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

When the market is not good, it is a "big killer" that developers have made by developers.However, since the Spring Festival in 2023, the activities of discounts and promotion are quite rare. Developers have transformed the means of promoting more home buyers to enter the discount.

Since April, the property market has shown signs of cooling, and the area of commercial housing transactions in the key hundred cities has fallen by nearly 20 % month -on -month.In this context, Vanke's restarting price reduction measures as the industry -leading enterprises indicate that the industry will slide down the downward channel again?Several interviewed people in the industry believe that the recent market recovery has not exceeded expectations. It is expected that the trend will remain stable afterwards and will not be worse than last year. Many factors that have previously affected the industry have basically disappeared.

The great discount has been recovered

Price reduction promotion has frequently appeared in various cities in the past two years, and developers can use it to achieve rapid refusal to obtain more valuable cash flow.However, in order to compete for customers, the price reduction is also extremely easy to cause bad competition, forming market expectations for falling house prices, and then falling into a vicious cycle of continuous downward.

In order to stabilize housing prices, stabilize the market, and stabilize expectations, many local governments have set up 10%or 15%of the "Daily Daily Board" for the property market. It is clearly stipulated that the prices must not be significantly reduced, and many developers will be punished.EssenceOn May 5, the Suzhou Kunshan Housing and Construction Bureau issued such a notice again.

Related notification documents show that Kunshan Shangli Industry Co., Ltd. has greatly reduced prices without authorization during the sales of the Dream Yueyuan Project for its developmentSales have disrupted the normal order of the real estate market and caused social instability.The Housing and Urban Construction Bureau stated that it would temporarily close the online signing of the above project, and it will be opened after the rectification.

According to the information of Tianyanhacha, Kunshan Changtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. belongs to Suzhou Vanke, with a shareholding ratio of about 60%. In addition, Guangzhou Radio, Film and Television Real Estate holds 37.5%, and the development project is called Vanke Ivyita Shangbin Garden.

On May 7, the reporter learned from an intermediary who represented the project that Vanke's Ivyevo Shangbin Garden is currently the last period. During the "May 1st" period, 3 buildings were taken for promotion.There are many activities including education funds, home appliances, and home improvement.

According to information disclosed by Shell's new house, the total price of the project is 1.6 million to 2.3 million, and the unit price is about 18-19 million/square meter.During the above -mentioned preferential activities, the price after the discount was 1.35 million yuan, and the unit price dropped to about 15,000/square meter.Another promotion information released by local agencies shows that during the May Day event, the project also had a parking space event.

The intermediary sold by the above agency told reporters that the Ivyevo project is large. The first phase of the opening was in October 2017. The house was delivered in September last year. The currently sold houses are sold in existing houses.During the event, the three buildings were sold out, and many of the remaining houses were sold.

After receiving the punishment of the housing construction department, Vanke has recovered the previous great discounts."At present, the preferential strength is 30,000 to 50,000 yuan." The above-mentioned intermediary said that there are many customers visiting today, and other activities will not be ruled out in the future.

A number of local people in Kunshan told reporters that except for the above two punished projects, Kunshan did not have too many real estate that significantly reduced the price.It is understood that a project owned by Xiangyu is located in Huaqiao. The average sales price of the normal sales is about 22,400 yuan/square meter. The minimum special housing during May 1st is about 21,400 yuan/square meter.fold.

Will the market continue to sink?

As a head company in the industry, Vanke's actions have always attracted market attention.The price reduction of the above -mentioned real estate is inevitable reminiscent of the general promotional behavior of developers in 2022.Will this become the beginning of a new round of discount reduction?

Many people interviewed in the industry believe that the price reduction sales of the above -mentioned real estate in Suzhou Vanke are cases, and they do not have too much reference value."Some projects may not be better in itself."

Overall, the Suzhou market has not seen significantly down.A project director of a certain East China real estate company in Suzhou told reporters that the status of Suzhou City is still the developer's recycling discount, and even in payment methods.EssenceThe overall situation of developers is relatively stable.

A local real estate industry in Suzhou also admits that the overall housing prices in Suzhou have risen recently, from the previous 26,000/square meter to 28,000/square meter.With a level of 10,000 yuan, in other regions, more than 30,000 yuan.

From the perspective of the above -mentioned industry, the recent cooling of the market has returned to normal. With the supply of housing companies, it is expected that the market will rise again in June.The whole is better than last year. "

Nanjing, where the market is quite hot in February and March, also fell in April.According to Nanjing online real estate data, a total of 5,350 units were sold in Nanjing's new houses in April, a decrease of 34.3%month -on -month.The marketing director of Nanjing, a central enterprise, does not think that this market trend is exceeded, "almost before the Spring Festival."She predicts that the market will remain stable afterwards.

Insiders insiders of a certain East China real estate enterprise mentioned that if the market shows signs of downside, some regional policies should be maintained to maintain, "it is expected that it will not fall to the end again."Recently, some cities have moved in the relaxation policy.Public information shows that the social security payment requirements for non -local household registration demands on non -local household registration requirements have been reduced from 6 months to 3 months, and Ningbo has relaxed the age limit of mortgage mortgage to activate the needs of the elderly to buy a house.

Some analysts in the real estate industry pointed out that the current market is manifested in expected. "It feels okay, and the data is still positive."