Chen Jing Shanghai Special Commissioner

[email protected]

After 12 days, the last stop of former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou continental bank still triggered a wave of chase. Hundreds of people waiting for him to show up at the rain outside the Shanghai Four Elements Warehouse Anti -Japanese War Memorial Hall.

Ma Ying -jeou visited the four -line warehouse by car on Thursday (April 6) in the afternoon.Despite the rainy rain on the day of Shanghai, hundreds of people were still waiting for an hour in advance.On both sides of the road outside the four line warehouses, the people were standing early.In order to open up the way to the team, the police sent a large number of personnel to clear the field, and the scene once took the warning line.It is similar to the situation observed outside the Zhongshan Mausoleum of Nanjing last week. Some people have a mouthful with the police because of dissatisfaction, and some were taken away by police officers on the spot.

When Ma Ying -jeou's team came, the slogan of the scene came one after another. Some people shouted that Mr. Ma was good. Some people called him President Ma, and some people shouted that China would unify or defeat Taiwan independence.Although the rain became stronger afterwards, Ma Ying -jeou did not appear in the public vision, but the people at the scene still waited patiently to leave the team, and many people waved goodbye.In addition to the local people in Shanghai, there are also horse fans who came from surrounding areas such as Nanjing. Some people followed the Ma Ying -jeou trip for 12 consecutive days to travel all the way to Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, and Chongqing.

Mr. Liu, who chased the horse all the way, told this newspaper that he used to be a tour guide before. This time, because Ma Ying -jeou visited Lu, he followed his footprint to travel around.Even so, he never had a chance to contact Ma Ying -jeou in close contact.No matter where you are, there are official walls arranged to separate the people and Ma Ying -jeou. I feel that Mr. Ma has no chance to truly contact the mainlanders. This is a pity.According to Ma Ying -jeou's earlier trip, he will go to the scenic spots in the downtown area after visiting the four -line warehouse.Mr. Liu and several Ma fooled news from Yuyuan, but the police cleared the scene, speculating that Ma Ying -jeou temporarily changed his trip.

According to Taiwan media reports, after Ma Ying -jeou's banquet at the Bund Restaurant, after a banquet of the Director of the Mainland State Council in the Bund restaurant, he boarded the night view of the Huangpu River. The official also arranged for him to specially perform a large -scale light show on a major festival.

Although he did not wait until Ma Ying -jeou in Yuyuan, Mr. Zhou, a citizen of Nanjing (43 years old, entrepreneur) decided to go to Pudong Airport the next day to send off for the pony.He said: Mr. Ma is not easy to come to this trip. I don't know when to see him on the mainland.As ordinary people, it is still expected that the two sides of the strait can return to normal communication as soon as possible.