在中国法定假日清明节(4月4日), A series of chat records about the "Chinese Electric Division Qingming Festival, Employees Angry Leadership" led to ignite public opinion.

Many netizens expressed their empathy for the compulsory overtime issues in the news of the Internet, and the local Federation of Trade Unions launched a survey. The China Division said that the units involved in the chat record did not belong to the company.

What is the matter?How can a few chat screenshots make online public opinion boiling?

"Employees scolding leaders"

Screenshots of online chat show showing that in the two WeChat working groups called "CETC-Software Development Course" and "CETC Chengdu Division"In the group, an employee named Chen was furious because he was in charge of the coercion of Qingming overtime, and vented his long -accumulated resentment.

In the group, the employees of the surname Chen were furious because they were in charge of coercive arrangements for Qingming overtime, and vented their long -accumulated resentment.(Screenshot of WeChat)

The employee said that all colleagues of their colleagues work at 8 am and 11 o'clock in the evening, which seriously violate the labor law. Most of these overtime situations are meaningless.You can do it, you have to drag for four days, and then urge you to rush out. "

After being threatened by the leadership of the division to report to the leader, the employee was full of firepower, and criticized the labor achievements of the two leaders to occupy the employees for a long time and forced employees to work overtime but went to leisure and entertainment.It also means that the leaders in charge are high -level relatives, so they are blessed on weekdays.

The employees who said these words also claimed that "waiting for personnel to dismiss me tomorrow" and received a response from many colleagues, and they said that they "go together" and show the trend of screening in the group.

The surname of Chen said "Sit tomorrow and waitPersonnel to dismiss me "has received a response from many colleagues, and has said that" go together ", showing a screen swipe in the group.(Screenshot of WeChat)

The follow -up screenshots can be seen. The company's leaders speak, please "rest early, dispel gas", and say that the plenary meeting will be opened the next morning, "it will give you an explanation."

The final result of the incident was the apology of the two leaders. The employees of Chen surnamed Chen left. Others who had to "walk together" with him continued to stay in the company.

Screenshots ignite the truth of public opinion.

"Employees and scolding leaders" quickly ignited public opinion, and appeared on the top of the Weibo hot search list. Many netizens said,Chen "shouted the voice of the workers", and some netizens found out that the unit in the screenshot was the Software Development Division of China Electric Power Chengdu.

Public information shows that the full name of China Electronics is China Electronics Technology Group Corporation Limited (CETC). It is a central enterprise managed by the SASAC. The main business includes communication equipment, Computer, electronic equipment manufacturing, software development and application, electronic technology research and services, investment and asset management, etc.

For this incident, the China Division of Electric Science and Technology responded on Wednesday (April 5) that after careful investigation, the units and personnel involved in the WeChat chat records of the Internet,EssenceFor the behavior of spreading and spreading false information, the group company will retain the right to investigate legal responsibilities.

The Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions said in an interview with surging news on Thursday that according to the current situation, the online transmission incident did not happen on the eve of the Qingming Festival this year, but last year."Leading employees" does not belong to the employees of the Chengdu Department of China Electricity Department, and should be a person in a certain city in the country.

Some people think that for the authenticity of the incident, some people think that the screenshot is forgery for a person with ulterior motives and deliberately provoked the sensitive nerves of netizens; some people believe that the employees in the chat screenshot may be a foreign employee of the Chinese Electric Division.Or outsourcing project staff, declare that they are suspected of clarifying responsibility.

overtime is the pain point of young people in China.

Forced overtime, overwork, scolding leaders ... A network news that is difficult to discern can be spread quickly,There is no doubt that there is an element that stabs the pain points of young people.

In recent years, many young employees have occurred in China's Internet industry due to overtime and caused sudden death, which caused discussions and doubts about the "996 working system".

, the "996 work system" That is, work at 9 am, get off work 9 pm, and work six days a week.(Internet)

The so -called "996 working system", that is, work at 9 am, get off work at 9 pm, and work six days a week.In this incident, employees complained that "get off work at 8 am and 11 pm". If it is true, it is extremely extreme than the "996 working system".

Relevant Chinese departments have increased their efforts to rectify overtime problems in recent years.In 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Supreme Law jointly released a typical case of overtime overtime; from March to May last year, the human -social departments of nine provinces and cities including Beijing carried out overtime overtime inspection and rectification.Today, voices such as "996 are blessings" have basically disappeared in public, but overtime phenomena are still common in Chinese workplace.

Chinese society is fierce, and workplace overtimeCultural spread, many young people are disgusted but forced to accept such "inner volumes".(Internet)

The Chinese society is fiercely competitive, the workplace overtime culture spreads, and many young people are disgusted but forced to accept such a "inner volume" (forced to participate in high -intensity and vicious competition) culture, except for a few peopleFierce resistance, more young people choose "touching fish" (not working hard) and "lying down" (abandoning struggle without desire).

The universal "inner volume" social atmosphere, including overtime overtime, is also one of the reasons for the decrease in China's fertility rate.A study by the School of Public Management of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics in 2021 shows that compared with voluntary overtime and paid overtime, non -voluntary overtime and unpaid overtime inhibitory effects on fertility behavior.A study by Zhang Chunni and Pan Xiuming this year this year also showed that the overtime work squeezed the private living space of Chinese youths, causing work with family conflicts, affecting men's sexual satisfaction and fertility for women.

China's birth population has been decreasing in recent years, and young people have a high willingness to have children.)

The overtime problem of state -owned enterprises may be more serious than private enterprises

This incident ignites public opinion. In addition to the resonance of young people, it is also related to the particularity of national (central) enterprises..

Generally, overtime work will only occur in private companies opened by "capitalists". In fact, in Chinese state -owned enterprises, institutions, and institutions, overtimeSpecial and more hidden, even more serious.

Hu Xijin, former editor -in -chief of Global Times, commented that the "996" of the Internet platform in recent years has caused strong dissatisfaction and many private enterprises have made adjustments. State -owned enterprises are relatively stable because of their work.Many employees are more concerned about expressing their opinions. Some managers intentionally or unintentionally regarded this as a bargaining chip that employees obeyed from employees, which caused some state -owned enterprises to work overtime than private enterprises.

Hu XijinIt is believed that many state -owned enterprises are trapped by bureaucratic formalism and have a lot of meetings. Please report to report and approval and communicate, occupying a lot of working hours in the unit, so you have to use overtime and additional points to complete normal business work. In addition, state -owned enterprises compile workers and contract workers status status of the identity of the personnel and contract workers.The differences also make the internal management complicated.

Current political comments on the big V "Sissero on the seaside" commented in their personal WeChat public account that state -owned enterprise employees have a heavier grievances about overtime, lies in state -owned enterprisesThe rewards and punishments and promotion mechanisms are not transparent enough.

"Sissero by the sea" wrote that when private companies want employees to work overtime, they sometimes use simple and effective money incentives, which is difficult to implement in state -owned enterprises;In terms of work hard work, in exchange for promotion opportunities, it may not be necessary in state -owned enterprises."Employees scolding leaders", what is the truth of this incident still needs to be further clarified, but the public opinion and problems it causes are real.

Excessive overtime issues are not simpleThe labor disputes are related to the long -term development of individuals, enterprises, and society. For individuals, physical and mental health is damaged, and occupational development is not sustainable. For enterprises, employees' grievances will affect unity. Employees "Lying flat "and" touching fish "will also affect efficiency; for the society, young people generally overtime work will further affect fertility, and it is more difficult to recover the population decline. The three parties must work together to get rid of the" three losses "difficulties.Otherwise, "scolding leadership" is just a moment of breath.