With the mortgage interest rate of the first house in many cities to low, the transaction volume of China's property market is expected to continue to recover.

According to the Securities Daily, China's current first home loan interest rate level continues to be at a low level. From March, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Jiangsu Xuzhou, Jiangsu Yancheng, Zhangzhou, Fujian, Changzhou, Jiangsu, Zhongshan, Guangdong, and Huizhou, Guangdong, Shaanxi Baoji, Haikou, Guangdong Jiangmen and other 10 third -tier and fourth -tier cities in the first home loan interest rate decreased. The first and second -tier cities' first sets and second -suite loan interest rates remained unchanged.

Since April, the interest rate of the first house loan loan in cities including Shenyang, Jiangxi Ganzhou and other cities has been reduced again.Among them, Ganzhou has dropped to 4%, and Shenyang has dropped from 3.9%in the first quarter to 3.8%.Based on the data of the middle finger research institute, at present, the interest rate of the first home loan in 36 cities in China has been adjusted to less than 4%.

Ye Yindan, a researcher at the Bank of China Research Institute, said in an interview that although China's current mortgage interest rate level continues to be at a low level, with the gradual completion of the early period of backlog demand, some cities still face pressure.In the short term, it is expected that the interest rate of the first home loan in many places will continue the downward trend.

Benefiting from the promotion of policy -oriented policies since this year. On the one hand, the financing environment and credit risk resolution of Chinese real estate companies have made significant progress. On the other hand, the continuous improvement of the property market's expectations has also promoted the recovery of transactions.

According to the statistics of Zhuge Data Research Center, in March, in March, 10 second -hand housing in China's 10 key cities sold 97,609 units, an increase of 41%month -on -month and 85.59%year -on -year.From the perspective of the transaction volume of second -hand housing in the first quarter, the top -hand houses in the key 10 cities were sold for 27,714 units, an increase of 37.71%compared with the fourth quarter of last year, and a 61.06%increase from the first quarter of last year.On the whole, the transactions of second -hand housing in the first quarter of China in 2023 were strong, with a year -on -year increase of the year -on -year, and the market recovery characteristics were obvious.

From the perspective of the performance of the new housing market, according to preliminary statistics from the China Finger Research Institute, in March, the area of new commercial housing in key cities in key cities in China increased by more than 20 % month -on -month, an increase of more than 40 % year -on -year.

Chen Wenjing, the market research director of the China Finger Research Institute, said that at present, the emotions of the key cities' markets have improved, thereby driving the local market to warm up.Chen Wenjing believes that this is mainly due to several factors. One is that housing demand is concentrated after the Spring Festival; the second is that the effect of real estate policy introduced in the early stage has further appeared; the third is that after more than a year of market adjustment, the market cyclical recovery is resumed.The enhancement of kinetic energy will be driven by the entire Chinese market.