Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of China, said that this year, it has launched a policy of stabilizing the economy and a continuation policy for new challenges. It is more than 2020 and the scale is reasonable and moderate. He emphasized that the policy should be in place and maintaining economic operations in a reasonable range.

Comprehensive official media Xinhua News Agency and CCTV reported that the State Council of the State Council held the tenth national deepening "decentralization service" reform TV conference on Monday (August 29).Li Keqiang said at the meeting that since this year, all aspects have promoted stable development in complex and severe environments.On the one hand, the use of moderate scale fiscal and monetary policy to increase macro -control and control, and on the other hand, it continues to deepen the reform of "decentralization of service" and enhances its internal vitality.

He pointed out that deepening the reform of "decentralization of management" is to "improve the soil" for market players, and innovative implementation of macro policies is "watering and fertilization".It runs in a reasonable range without engaging in large water irrigation, which maintains smooth prices.

Li Keqiang said that the reform of "decentralization of management" focuses on cultivating and expanding market entities.Among them, more than 100 million households.The development of many large and medium -sized markets has supported the overturn of economic aggregate, the increase in fiscal revenue has nearly doubled, and the basic market for employment and entrepreneurship is carried.

Li Keqiang admits that the economy in the second quarter was affected by the excellent factors of the excellent expected, and the current consolidation of economic recovery was heavy.He demanded a comprehensive implementation of new development concepts, efficiently coordinating the prevention and control of epidemic and economic and social development.

Li Keqiang said that in response to new challenges to decisively launch a policy of stabilizing the economy and continuous policy, timely, fast, effective and effective, and at the same time increase the reform of "decentralization of management service".He demanded that the policy is in place, unremittingly promoting the reform of "decentralization of service", focusing on stabilizing the economic market, stabilizing employment and stable prices, and maintaining economic operation in a reasonable range.

The Chinese government introduced 19 stable economic policies last week. Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council on August 24th to deploy a policy of stabilizing the economy.Personal credit costs, support for the development and investment of private enterprises, and other measures to increase their efforts to stimulate weak economies.