Ukrainian Foreign Minister CatabababababababababababaAfter the meeting, the information conveyed by Russia was to continue to attack until Moscow's request was met.Russia wants Ukraine to surrender, but Ukraine will not do so.

(Kiev/Antalia Comprehensive Electric) Russia and Ukraine Foreign Minister met in Turkey yesterday (March 10).EssenceBefore the start of the Foreign Minister's meeting, a maternal and child hospital in Mary Ubol was bombed. All parties condemned Russia for "slaughtering civilians". Moscow said that it would conduct an investigation.

Russian Foreign Minister Raft Raverov and Ukraine Foreign Minister Coleba talks in Antalya, southern Turkey. This is the first time that the Russian army invaded Ukraine's two weeks to meet.Turkish Foreign Minister Chawushion, who has contributed to this meeting, also attended talks.Moscow's request was met.Russia wants Ukraine to surrender, but Ukraine will not do so.

Lavrov said at a press conference after the meeting that in the last round of negotiations held in Beros, Russia made specific suggestions to solve problems.EssenceHe once again emphasized that Russia hopes Ukraine to neutrality and says "we are going to discuss Ukraine's security guarantee issues."

Lavrov also refers to the danger of Western countries on the Ukrainian issue, and also reminded that the countries that provide weapons to Ukraine should understand the danger of doing so.However, he said that Russia did not think that Russia's confrontation with the West on the Ukrainian issue would trigger a nuclear war.He also said that Russia did not intend to attack the former Soviet Union to join the Republic of the Baltic Sea.

At the meeting of the two countries' foreign ministers, Ukraine President Zelei also shouted to Putin again.In an interview with the German picture newspaper, he was asked, "How to treat the request to accept Donbas Independence and Crimea's belonging to Russia:" In any negotiations, my goal is to end the war with Russia, andI also prepared some measures."

He said:" It is not impossible to compromise, but these compromises must not be betrayal of our country. "He also emphasized that the other party must also prepare for compromise.

35,000 Ukrainian civilians evacuated through the humanitarian corridor the day before yesterday

Zeleiski revealed yesterday that some humanitarian corridors opened the day before yesterday.Germany and Kiev's evacuation.

While preparing talks in bilateral, the Russian bombing operation has not subsided. A maternal and child hospital in Mary Upoore, Mary Ukopol, Southern Ukraine, was attacked by the Russian army the day before yesterday, causing at least three people to include oneFamous girls, causing condemnation of American Ukraine International.

Russia did not deny the bombing hospital, but argued that there were no patients in the hospital.The palace said yesterday that it would investigate the matter.

The United States warned on Wednesday that Russia may use biochemical weapons during the Ukrainian war;Bullet.

U.S. State Department spokesman Prius refers to the Limlin Palace to spread lies, saying that Meiwu develops biochemical weapons in Ukraine, the purpose is to use such weapons to create an excuse for the Russian army.

Price also pointed out that Beijing echoed this conspiracy theory of Moscow.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Nunlan said at the Senate hearing on Tuesday that Washington is cooperating with Kiev to prevent the fall of biological research facilities in UkraineIn the hands of the Russian army.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a post on March 6 that the Russian army had already mastered evidence to prove that Kiev was destroying the traces of the development of military biochemical weapons and said that the United States provided gold aid behind it.At the beginning of this week, the U.S. military also set up a "dangerous" biochemical laboratory in Ukraine, but did not provide evidence.