Satellite images show that the Chinese military is using the Model of the Western Remote Desert to use the model of the US aircraft carrier as the target.

Bloomberg quoted the news website of the US Navy Institute that satellite images showed that a test facility of the Taklama Ganan Desert in Xinjiang has a target of one aircraft carrier and two Albeck -class missile destroyers.These two types of ships are deployed by the Seventh Fleet in the United States, and the fleet patrols Western Pacific in the waters around Taiwan.

These images were taken by Maxar Technology in October in October, which is an American company with more than 80 satellites.Maxar said in a statement sent to Bloomberg News through an email on Monday that the facility has two rectangular targets about 75 meters long, which are installed on the track.

It is reported that the facility is caught by satellites very clearly, indicating that Beijing is trying to show the capabilities of its missile forces to Washington.In August last year, the Chinese military coordinated the "aircraft carrier killer" Dongfeng-21D missile in the South China Sea.signal of".