(Morning News) US President Biden Biden warned on Tuesday (27th) that a major cyber attack on the United States may lead to "truly fire fighting" between great powers.The greater the threat.

Reuters reported that since the large US companies include Sun Wind Group, oil pipeline operator Keronier pipeline transportation company and meat processing giant JBS SA, they have been attacked by large -scale ransomware. Cyber security has become worship.Priority to the government's priority.

Biden visited the National Intelligence Director's Office of Mclean, Virginia on Tuesday, and delivered a half -hour speech.

Bynden warned in his speech that hackers attacking the US network system on a large scale may ignite warfire.He said: "I think this is likely to happen. If we eventually broke out of war -to fight with a superpowers, this will be the most serious consequences of destroying network activities, and this possibility is rising at the index level level.. "

On June 16, Biden and Russian President Putin held a summit at Geneva. Bayeng stated to Putin at the summit that the key infrastructure in the United States isThe bottom line of touch.

The White House said that after the US -Russian summit, the senior officials of the White House National Security Team kept in touch with senior officials of the Kremlin on the US Internet attack incident.

Biden also emphasized the threat of China. He pointed out that Chinese President Xi Jinping's will determined that "insisting on making China's military power the strongest in the world, and making China the largest and most in the world in the 2040sExcellent economy. "