(New York News) US President Biden served in 2011 in 2011.During the Vice President, he met with the Russian President Putin in Moscow. According to Bayeng, he recalled that he looked directly at Putin at the time and told him that "I think you have no soul". Putin responded to "we know each other."

Today, as the United States seeks the world to help Ukraine to resist Russia's invasion, the two of them are being tested by each other's understanding of each other.Although the United States and Russia are not ready to start a war as 60 years ago, the confrontation between the two leaders may have a huge and long -term impact on the world order.

The New York Times analysis pointed out that Biden and Putin are children of the Cold War, and conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union may destroy the world's haze, accept education and organization families.However, the two interprets the end of the Cold War very differently: Biden believes that this is the victory of freedom and democracy, and Putin regards it as a disaster for Russia and its people.

After Russia attacked Ukraine, Biden condemned Putin as an "aggressor" and vowed to make him a "bald person on the international stage."Putin tested Bayeng's courage while the United States split the consensus.

Former US official Frank Lowenstein, who had worked with Biden's diplomatic committee members, described: "They come from two different planets, it is difficult to see how they will interact."

Biden supports rules -based international order, and Putin tries to destroy this international order."Biden is almost the incarnation of the old order. Putin represents a new order lack of order."

In the past few weeks, Putin has been constantly with his consultants and intelligence officials.Thinking about Putin's thoughts, trying to overthrow Putin's abacus, but failed to succeed.According to Biden's team assessment, Putin is increasingly isolated during the crown disease, and his thoughts seem to be more and more extreme, and pay more attention to his political heritage.Some US officials even believe that Putin's psychological state is problematic.

In the early days of Putin's administration, Putin sought to integrate Russia into the West, but the former Soviet National Georgia and Ukraine broke out in 2003 and 2004. After the revolution broke out and welcomed the pro -Western government, Putin suspected that the United States was behind the scenes and conspired.overthrow.In 2007, he attacked the international order led by the United States at the Munich Security Conference, and has since broken with the West.

In 2008, Russia broke out with Georgia.In 2014, Russia annexed Ukraine's Krimea region and invaded Ukraine again in February this year.

Bynden faced the challenge: if Putin was trying to reverse the "unfairness" history of the Soviet Union in the later period of 1991, and rebuild the Russian Empire, traditional deterrence and diplomatic tools may not allow him to give up this.Task.Therefore, Biden continuously emphasizes the importance of unity in the United States and Europe.

The two people underestimate each other

If Bayeng underestimates Putin, then Putin may also underestimate Biden.American and Russian analysts said that the United States hurriedly withdrawn from Afghanistan last summer. Putin may judge that the United States will not send troops to Ukraine, nor will they have strong resistance against Russia's aggression.

Although the critics believed that Biden was not tough enough, he proudly accused Russia relentlessly in the past few weeks, and pulled European allies to the same front.

Last Friday, the United States and the European Union announced sanctions on Putin's individual.