Professor Zheng Yongnian emphasized that even if the United States continues to adopt a blockade strategy to China, China should continue to open unilaterally in some fields; so that China and the United States cannot be decoupled.In terms of foreign policy, Japan and Germany have strived to become more independent in diplomacy after Trump's "retreat".Therefore, he believes that "it is difficult for the United States to return to the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union. It is not possible to use common allies to deal with China."

Huang Xiaofang Report

[email protected]

It is difficult for the new US President Biden to change the policy left by the former President Trump, but if the United States wants to restart the Alliance mechanism of the United States and the Soviet Union to deal with China, "there is no possibility at all."

Professor Zheng Yongnian, Dean of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Global and Contemporary China Higher Research Institute, also emphasized at a online seminar yesterday that even if the United States continues to adopt a blockade strategy to China, China should still be in some fields in some fieldsContinue to implement unilateral openness; as long as China continues to open, China and the United States cannot be decoupled.


Symposium was jointly organized by the Tsinghua Alumni Association of Singapore and the Peking University Singapore Alumni Association, entitled "The International Relations and Political Economic Outlook of Biden Times".At the meeting, Zheng Yongnian analyzed the domestic and international challenges that Biden faced in China and the United States, and the response strategies that China could adopt.

Sino -US relations are victims of internal problems in the United States

He believes that the current era of the American society has been the most differentiated since the Northern and Southern War. The problem of economic structural problems has reduced the middle class of the United States, resulting in populist rises and the deterioration of political confrontation between the two parties; Sino -US relations have become the "victims of the American internal issues of the United States."And Biden is a very vulnerable president. He only gets more than half of the votes, so the ability to change the status quo is limited.

Bayeng signed nearly 40 administrative orders within a week and a half after taking office, but Zheng Yongnian still couldn't see that Biden intends to deal with the fundamental issue of the United States."The problem of economic structure can't touch Bayeng, because this is dominated by Wall Street, he can't solve it."

In terms of foreign policy, the Bayeng government and the team have repeatedly stated before and after taking office to intend to revise the core alliance system;Become more independent.Therefore, he believes that "it is difficult for the United States to return to the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union. It is not possible to use common allies to deal with China."

Zheng Yongnian further analyzed that the pattern of the future world is largely dependent on how China responds to the United States, and China is completely conditional to avoid the Cold War through unilateral openness.He pointed out that the wolf diplomacy is not good for China, which is equivalent to using its own shortcomings to deal with the long board of others; on the contrary, China's open potential and huge market are its strong items.China will still be open.

He explained: "My judgment is that as long as the United States is still capitalism, as long as China is still open, between China and the United States, the two economies of China and the United States will not be completely decoupled, and it cannot be decoupled.It is the White House that is very Wall Street, not Wall Street stands for the White House, but there is a condition that China must be open. "

Zheng Yongnian reminded that competition between China and Europe and the United States is no longer technical competition, but competition in rules and standards.If China wants to be strong, it must unify the rules and standards of China. "If it is done well, China's next development will be a leap development."

He explained that the current trade rules in various regions of China are not uniform, allowing EU countries to have the opportunity to solve them one by one; if the rules and standards within China can be unified, China's rules and standards can be internationalized in the future and become international standards.

Sino -US relations cold and cold are good

With the Biden government's successor, Chinese senior foreign officials have continued to call for the Bayeng government to reopen dialogue and restart cooperation.However, Zheng Yongnian believes that China should not be too anxious to change Sino -US relations. Bayeng will first deal with internal affairs, economic structure and social structure problems, and generations need to be changed for generations.He suggested that China calmly observed for a period of time to find countermeasures, and not to stimulate the United States anymore.

Zheng Yongnian pointed out: "The next stage of Sino -US relations is relatively cool and it is good for which country. Sino -US relations will not be hot. China and the United States will not become hot. China and the United States will be hot.Already, it is impossible. "