(Morning News)The Pacific Island Country Tonga, which broke out and urgently needed external aid, appeared in the first two crown disease confirmed cases since October last year. Disaster relief work was forced to suspend, and it was urgently blocked throughout the territory.

Agence France -Presse reported on Wednesday (February 2) that the Prime Minister Swaloni said that the two men were positive for the results of the detection of coronary disease in Nukuhafa in the capital on Tuesday.isolation.

It is reported that the two diagnostators are the dock workers responsible for handling international disaster relief supplies.

The Tanga government announced on Tuesday evening that Tonga will be blocked from 6 pm local time at 6 pm local time (Singapore time at 1 pm on Wednesday).

Swalloni said: "The most important thing at present is to suspend everything to prevent the infected people from spreading the virus. This is why we want to block the whole country ... It is forbidden all vessels to travel in the islands.The flight will also be suspended. "

Tangjiahong Ahah Apay Island Volcano exploded on January 15th, causing at least three people to die and a large amount of property losses. Domestic communication and network services have not yet fully fulfilledrecover.The Tanga government has announced that it is in an emergency.