White House press secretary Pusaki said that China is challenging the security, prosperity and values in a major way, "we want to be strategically be patient." She said that the White House will be in the next few weeksIn contact with Congress, international allies, and partnerships, discuss Sino -US issues.

(Washington Composite Electric) White House Press Secretary Puski stated on Monday that the United States is competing with China, but President Biden hopes to "patient" to deal with the relationship with China.

Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a speech at the online meeting of the World Economic Forum on Monday, and called on global leaders to strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policies and strengthen the role of the Group of 20 (G20) in global economic supervision.In this regard, Passaki clearly pointed out that Xi Jinping's appeal will not change its strategy to China to China.

Sino -US relations in the past few days seem to have not shown signs of ease because of Bayeng's new government.Xi Jinping has repeatedly approved the actions of the United States and a number of US policies against China at the World Economic Forum Conference on Monday. He warned that decoupled and sanctions, etc., will only push the world to splitting or even confrontation.Xi Jinping also said that the international community cannot give an order from one or more countries.

Compared with China's strong attitude, Bayeng's government's position was not soft.Pusky emphasized on Monday that China is challenging the United States' security, prosperity and values in a major way, which requires the United States to respond in a new way.

Pusky said: "What we have seen in the past few years is that China is becoming more and more autocratic in China and increasingly arbitrary internationally. Beijing is now obviously challenging our safety, prosperity and values. This requires the United States.Take a new approach. "

But Passaki also said: "We hope to keep patience in strategic." She said that the White House will contact the two parties, international allies and partner countries in the next few weeks to discuss Sino -US issues.

In response to whether the Biden government will continue to strictly restrict Chinese technology giants Huawei, Passaki pointed out that China's industrial espionage and theft of intellectual property rights are still worrying.

Pusky said: "The President's point is that we need better prevention, including that China must be responsible for the unfairness and illegal approach of China, and at the same time ensureConvenient. "

In addition, a US State Department spokesman stated on Monday that Biden promised to ensure that Chinese companies cannot abuse and stole American data, and will ensure that American technology will not be used to support China's "evil actions".

A spokesman said: "We need comprehensive strategy and more systematic methods to truly deal with this series of problems, rather than as fragmented as in the past few years."

International Semiconductor Equipment Association Call for review of export control of China Technology

In addition, the International Semiconductor Production Equipment Association (SEMI), which represents global semiconductor equipment and device manufacturers, calls on the Biden to review the policy of export control of China ’s technology exports to China’ s technology export control policies on Monday.The Association said that the unilateral stipulation of the previous government caused unnecessary harm to the US semiconductor industry and made US exporters vulnerable to retaliation.

Before the Trump administration restricted US science and technology output to China on the grounds of national security.The Association also called on the new Minister of Commerce in the United States to restrict the cooperation of allies in the sale of American technology to China.