(Washington Comprehensive Electric) Coronation Mutant MonopolyThe speed of Michamon's spread across the United States has not slowed down. The United States notified 1.35 million confirmed cases on Monday, and the single -day increase was the highest in the world.

The last time the last time in the United States was confirmed in the United States was on Monday, at that time, the number of cases from 1.03 million.Since many states do not report cases on weekends, there are generally more cases notified on Monday than other days.

According to Reuters, the average seven -day average of the new cases in the United States has doubled daily cases in two weeks, and an average of more than 700,000 cases per day.Death cases have an average of 1700 newly increased per day, which is about 1,400 higher than the past few days.

The surge in new cases has also led to a record of inpatient cases in the United States.Data from Reuters show that the inpatient cases in the United States doubled within three weeks and reached more than 136,000 on Monday, surpassing more than 13,200 records set in January last year.

Although Omikon's infection symptoms are mild, US health officials warn that a large number of infections may put pressure on the medical system.The sanitary system in many places is overwhelmed and enters the crisis mode. It is necessary to take measures to stop futures, reduce the number of nurses of patients, and only receive patients with serious illness in order to maximize the use of limited medical resources.

The deterioration of the epidemic has also caused the school to face the shortage of faculty staff and school bus drivers.Due to the failure to reach an agreement on how to cope with the increase in infection, local schools have been suspended for the fourth consecutive day.

In terms of public transportation, due to many employees infected, New York City has suspended the services of three subway lines, and many companies' plans to return employees to the office are also disrupted.