The US State Department condemned Li Zhiying's injustice and called on China to respect Hong Kong's freedom.Not U.S. State Council spoke Pryce (NED Price) Sunday ( > December 11 > ) In Twitter, the United States condemned the decision of the Li Zhiying case and believed that the verdict was neither fair nor fair, and once again called on China to respect the remarksFreedom, including Hong Kong's freedom of news.Not Li Zhiying, founder of Hong Kong One Media Li Zhiying on Saturday (December 10) for fraud, was sentenced to five years and nine months and fined 2 million Hong Kong dollars (about S $ 350,000).Huang Weiqiang, the former Chief Executive Director of the same case with him, was sentenced to 21 months.Not Hong Kong 01 "reported that 75 -year -old Li Zhiying was accused of letting Li Gao Consulting who managed his family affairs using the Office of the Apple Daily Building and did not declare to the owner's Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.In violation of the drafted lease agreement, and allowing the Apple Daily Printing Co., Ltd. and Li Gao Consulting Company he controlled, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park suffered losses, constituting intentional concealment and fraud.Not Li Zhiying is also ordered by the court to order positions and other positions of the company's management within eight years, and must pay a fine within three months, otherwise the additional supervision will be added for one year.Not Li Zhiying has been detained since December 2020, and has been sentenced to 20 months for illegal assembly.In addition to the above cases, Li Zhiying also faced prosecution for violating the Hong Kong National Security Act case.Trial on December 13.