Targets are considering the United States and Europe.In violation of the rules of the World Trade Organization, China will take all necessary measures to protect its rights and interests.Not According to the surging news report, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Tuesday (December 6) that China has always opposed violations of the rules of the WTO unilaterally improving tariffs, which is not conducive to any party.China will also take all necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.Not Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter on Tuesday that the United States and the European Union are considering new tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum as part of the measures to reduce carbon emissions and respond to excess global capacity.However, the measure is currently in the initial stage, and the Bayeng government has not officially proposed it.Not It is reported that when China and the United States have promised to deal with climate change together, this tariff plan may deepen the differences between Beijing and Washington.Not The United States has levied 25%of steel and 10%aluminum tariffs on countries including China in 2018. Tariffs are still valid.