(Morning News) UN Secretary -General Guterres warned that the risk of nuclear proliferation is increasing, and the protection of situation upgrades is weakened.After the Cold War was over, the dispersed Wuyun gathered again.Today, a misunderstanding and a wrong judgment may bring humans to the abyss of nuclear destruction.

Gutres Monday (August 1) said at the tenth review conference of the Nuclear Treaty Treaty of the Treaty of the Nuclear Treaty that geopolitical tensions are reaching new highs.Competition is replacing cooperation and collaboration.The disbelief replaced the dialogue, and the division replaced the disarmament.? Countries are seeking false security and stored hundreds of billions of dollars to purchase doomsday weapons. We should not allow these weapons to have any foothold on our planet.

Gutres said nearly 13,000 nuclear weapons are currently stored in tanks around the world.? Now more than ever, you need to spread the nuclear weapon treaty.

Gutres recommends action in five fields.First, it is urgent to strengthen and reiterate the criteria for the use of nuclear weapons that have been opposed to the 77 -year -old history. Second, the elimination of nuclear weapons is the only guarantee that will never use nuclear weapons.We must persistently work towards this goal;? Third, we need to solve the tension between the Middle East and Asia.And other purposes; Fifth, fulfill all the promises that have not been fulfilled in the nuclear weapon treaty, and maintain the applicability of the treaty at this difficult time.

Gutres said that we have a common obligation to make the world better and safer.Now it is the time to welcome this basic test, and once and for all dispel the nuclear and destroy the clouds.

Getres also announced that he will go to Japan to participate in the peaceful commemorative ceremony held in Hiroshima on August 6.? This annual event aims to comfort the souls of those who are killed in atomic bombs and pray to achieve long -lasting world peace.

Gutres said he would take this opportunity to pay tribute to the explosive victims and remember all the victims of World War II.At the same time, he will once again call on leaders of countries around the world to urgently destroy nuclear weapons reserves.

The tenth review conference of the Nuclear Treaty Treaty of the Nuclear Treaty was scheduled to be held at the United Nations headquarters of New York from January 4 to 28, 2022.A new wave of epidemic caused by Omikon's variable planting strains, and the review conference was postponed.

As the most widespread treaty in the field of non -diffusion and disarmament, the non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty was reached in 1968 and took effect in 1970. At present, there are 191 member states.The core of global efforts.

According to the non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty, non -nuclear weapons parties to the party promise not to create or obtain nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices in other ways, while the nuclear weapon parties promise not to assist, encourage or seduce any nuclear weapon -free countries to create or use it in any wayOther methods obtain nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.

The definition of nuclear weapons under the treaty is countries that manufacture and explode nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices before January 1, 1967, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China.