British media reports that China plans to introduce a company classification system based on data sensitivity to avoid Chinese companies listed in the United States because they cannot provide detailed audit materials to the United States.

According to the British Financial Times Sunday (July 24), people familiar with the matter reported that the purpose of introducing the classification system to ensure that some Chinese companies can comply with US regulations and allow US regulators to check the audit documents of these companies.

People familiar with the matter revealed that Chinese companies listed in the United States will be divided into three categories, namely companies with non -sensitive data, sensitive data, and secret data.Enterprises belonging to secret data will have to return the market.

Companies with low -risk data can provide audit records to the US account regulatory agency "Accounting Supervision Committee of the United States".These companies may include retailers and chain restaurants.

People familiar with the matter said that Beijing has been discussed in the form of sensitive data companies to ensure that the company can comply with regulations and start discussions.The form of operation reorganization includes outsourcing data to third parties.

This plan is in the discussion stage, and changes may occur.

The United States asked Chinese companies and their auditors to provide detailed audit materials earlier, otherwise these companies would have to return the market in 2024.

Financial Times believes that the large -scale delisting of Chinese enterprises that may be triggered will be a major stage towards the economic decoupling of China and the United States.About 260 largest companies in China, including Alibaba, Yumsung China, and Weibo, may be removed from the New York Stock Exchange because they do not meet the audit requirements.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission did not comment on the news.

For all transparency regulations of Chinese companies in accordance with the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, U.S. officials are suspicious.The 2020 bill stipulates that companies from mainland China and Hong Kong disclose audit documents from these companies.