(Morning News) U.S. President Biden said that when he met Saudi Arabia, he directly mentioned the Saudi column commentator Kashuji was killed and believed that Saudi Crown Prince was responsible for the matter.

Reuters and Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) comprehensively reported to visit Saudi Arabia on Friday (July 15). This is the first time he has visited Saudi Arabia since he took office.

Biden asked the Saudi Prince's "touching fist" after arriving in the Palace of Saudi Arabia, and shook hands with the Saudi king Salman.

Bynden told the media after holding a bilateral meeting with Saudi Arabia: "I mentioned the Kashuji murder at the beginning of the meeting, which clearly expressed my thoughts and my current ideas."

Bynden said: "I just spread it out. I clearly and told him clearly that a U.S. president is silent to be silent about human rights issues. This is for us and to me.It is completely contradictory. "

On October 2, 2018, the Washington Post column reviewer Kashuji disappeared after entering Saudi Saudi Arabia's Consulate General in Istanbul, Turkey, and then confirmed to be killed and was dismembered.During the presidential period of the president, Biden promised to treat Saudi Arabia as a "exile" (the meaning of Pariah) to respond to Kashuji's killing incident.

Kashuji has served as a consultant of the Saudi royal family. He has settled in the United States since 2017. He often speaks on Arabia and Western media to criticize some policies of the Saudi government.

According to the US intelligence department, the Saudi Crown Prince directly approved the killing of Kashuji.