Fan Chenglian, a former Standing Committee of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, was suspected of helping Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, to buy a Lianlian letter.EssenceThe case was transferred to the Hsinchu District Court on Thursday (14th).

Comprehensive reports from the Taiwan Liberty Times reported, the Hsinchu Procuratorate said that Fan Chenglian is not only a former member of the Kuomintang, but also the chairman of the Federation of the World Customers and the chairman of China Jingming Optoelectronics Group.

Knowing that Guo Taiming and Lai Peixia partner must independently run for the 16th Presidential Vice Presidential Election in Taiwan, and the total number of elections in the most elected election election for election is 1.5 % (that is, 289,667). Fan Chenglian LianlianOn October 4th, a cash of 20 million yuan (NT $, the same below, about S $ 850,000), Wang Zengji, chairman of the People's Congress of Xinpu Town, Hsinchu County, Huang Maojian, the former head of Guanyin Township, and Fan surnamed, and others.Together with the foreign and vice presidential candidates, they signed a letter.

The prosecutor's investigation found that Fan Chenglian had six bribery facts, including Wang Zengji required Wang Zeng Kai to be in the gas station operating in his own on October 4, and the people who signed a bribe of 400 yuan per joint book.Fan Chenglian delivered 1.6 million yuan on the spot to Wang Zengji and 4,000 blank connection books, and successively provided 4,000 blank connection letters, joint atomic pens, flashlights and other gifts, Guo Taiming campaign office vests and large and small photocopies as raised scholarships.Use.

According to the prosecutor, Fan Chenglian took the car to the gas station on the evening of October 7, and the ancestors delivered the cash of 800,000 yuan to the gas station Liu.Used as the company's deputy to the company.

Prosecutors pointed out that Fan Chenglian rushed to Zhongli, Taoyuan on October 5th and 6th to deliver 2.4 million yuan to Huang Maozhi for bribes.Fan Chenglian also sent 200,000 yuan in cash and 500 major scholarships to a supermarket in Yilan through Wang Zengji, and finally acquired about 300 Lisheng books with a bribe of 400 yuan per copy.

It is reported that Fan Chenglian also gave 400,000 yuan to the man surnamed Fan Nan in the Jockey Mall of Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, and asked Fan Nan to acquire a joint letter for a bribe of 400 yuan per copy.Fan Nan agreed with the staff of the webmaster of the surname Huang and the Niupu Lianxin Station Station of the Guangfu Lianlian Station, and finally purchased 496 Lianxin letters.

After the Hsinchu Procuratorate obtained emotion on October 11 this year, the prosecutor implemented the five -wave investigation operation within one month, and asked the court to be detained to see that Wang Zengji and Fan Chenglian were allowed to obtain it.600 yuan bribes, and the court was requested to obtain a BMW self -use passenger car used by Fan Chenglian for future recruitment prices.

Fan Chenglian, Wang Zengji and other eight people committed violations of the clauses in the presidential vice presidential election removal law, that is, the bribes were delivered to the company;That is to prepare to give bribes to the company.

The prosecutor's review, Fan Chenglian's successful development of his own political undertakings into a criminal of the case, issuing up to 5 million yuan of bribery to raise signed books, and successively obtained as many as 4,000 scholarships.The prohibition of bribery, the fairness, fairness and purity of the election of the Presidential Vice President's election, which affects the normal development of democratic politics, and the court was invited to punish the court to be vigilant.