In order to deal with the enemy's use of fake messages to conduct cognitive operations against Taiwan, the Taiwan Ministry of Defense previews the amendment of the preparation of the National Defense Mobilization, and implements the need to regulate and report the war information during the war.

According to the Freedom Times Sunday (February 26), the Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense previews the law on Tuesday (21st).Essence

The "full motion method" is clearly determined that the "mobilization preparation stage" refers to the period of mobilization preparation, and the "mobilization implementation stage" refers toEmergency orders to implement all mobilization or local mobilization.

In response to the news and the processing of the mobilization implementation stage and the processing of unrealistic information, the draft law enhances the "Message Communication Mobilization Preparation Plan", and the industry management authority should respond to publishing, radio, television, network platforms and application service providers and news workers., Implement investigation, statistics, marshalm and planning, industry must cooperate with and provide relevant mobilization energy information.

During the mobilization implementation stage, the draft law enters the draft will be added simultaneously. In order to maintain military security and war, the competent authority shall respond to the necessary control of the above -mentioned operators and journalists.Equipment, reporting war situation and emergency response related information.

In response to the unrealistic information during the mobilization period, the state security and the social stability are affected. During the implementation period of the draft mobilization, the rumors or unreal information of the mobilization, purchase, acquisition, or unrealistic information are sufficient to cause damage to the public or others.There is a period of imprisonment below.Display the above -mentioned unrealistic messages with radio and television, electronic communications, internet or other communication tools, and increase its sentence to one -half.

Luo Chengzong, a special professor and director of the Department of Finance Law of the University of Science and Technology of Nantai University of Science and Technology, said an interview that the legislation of the message communication mobilization is worthy of recognition.Do it well, if you wait until the war, it will be too late.