The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong issued a statement that the lawyers of Li Zhiying, the founder of Hong Kong One Media Li Zhiying, were dissatisfied with the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, and urged the British to immediately stop intervention in Hong Kong's internal affairs.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong issued a statement on Wednesday (January 11) to criticize the British speech to interfere with Hong Kong affairs.The rule of law and judicial independence violates the principles of international law and the basic criteria for international relations.

The Hong Kong Government issued a statement late at night on Tuesday, strongly opposed to the intervention of the Li Zhiying case in foreign governments, saying that the British party met with the lawyer team and provided support to Li Zhiying.The Hong Kong Government urged relevant parties to respect the spirit of the rule of law and immediately stop intervening in Hong Kong's internal affairs.

In an attempt to interfere with political intervention judicialness, it is likely to constitute a contempt of the court


statement also pointed out that if the defendant attempts to use political forces to interfere with Hong Kong judicial procedures, or borrow or colludes foreign political forces, escape the deserved judicial trial, it is likely to constitute a contempt of the court.

Li Zhiying was charged with challenging foreign or overseas forces to endanger national security, as well as publishing incitement publications. He had been approved by the Hong Kong court to approve Tim Owen to defend it.The Standing Committee's interpretation of the law, ruled that overseas lawyers who do not have the qualifications of Hong Kong's comprehensive practice should obtain a certificate issued by the Chief Executive to defend the case involving the crime of national security.

Li Zhiying's case is tentatively started in September this year. The lawyer team recently asked the British Prime Minister Sonak to "emergency meetings" to discuss Li's "potential plan".

Reuters quoted the British Prime Minister's House spokesman pointed out that the Minister of Government of the British Foreign Development of Asian affairs, Qu Weishi, met with Li Zhiying's legal team on Tuesday (January 10);With a period of support for Li Zhiying, the British will continue to support human rights, freedom and rule of law.

Scholars: meeting or disguised to admit that Li Zhiying colludes foreign forces

Dr. Chen Xiaofeng, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Law Exchange Foundation, was interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao that the practice of Li Zhiying's team was very dangerous, and it was likely to admit that Li Zhiying colluded with foreign forces in disguise.He said: "This is a dangerous signal. From a certain perspective, it is also equivalent to prove the effectiveness of the Chinese National People's Congress."

Chen Xiaofeng pointed out that, as Sino -US relations, the deterioration of Sino -British relations also originated from a conflict in values and political systems.With the development of the situation in Hong Kong, the opposition between China and Britain will worsen the relationship between the two countries, and the sound of domestic public opinion on China will also rise with a negative view of China, further dragging Sino -British relations.

Li Zhiying's One Chuan Media Group will be removed from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Thursday (January 12) to end the 23 -year listing position.