As the wine -hearted chocolate launched with the name of the chocolate brand Dove is sold out of multiple channels, the Chinese liquor brand Guizhou Moutai issued a statement saying that it resolutely resist some merchants to increase the price to sell the chocolate, and emphasize that it has already already already been alreadyFor emergency production, it will be replenished in various channels in the near future.

According to the surging news, the wine -hearted chocolate launched by Moutai and Dove, last Saturday (September 16) on online and offline platforms such as Tmall, I Moutai, Moutai Ice Cream Store.After the shelves, the official shop was snatched in seconds.

Since then, in non -official stores such as Jingdong, Pinduoduo, and leisure fish, the price of wine chocolate has been stir -fry, ranging from 70%to 150%.

Moutai issued a statement through the WeChat public account "Moutai International Hotel" on the morning of Tuesday (September 19), stating that in order to maximize the people's consumer experience and experience of drinking, the chocolate of the wine is already urgent to rush urgentProduction will be replenished in various channels in the near future.

The statement also states that in response to the acting of some merchants in the current market, the behavior of selling wine -hearted chocolates, "we resolutely resist, and also ask consumers to consume rationally and recognize official channels when buying."