77 National Group and China Summit on Saturday (September 16) through the Havana declaration, calling on the international community to create an environment of openness, fairness, tolerance, and non -discrimination for the development of science and technology.

According to China CCTV News, the Havana declaration consisting of 46 clauses and passed at the Havana Summit is profoundly concerned about the challenges facing the current developing countries.Sustainable development goals of developing countries.

Declaration emphasize the urgent need to reform the international financial pattern, adopt a more inclusive and coordinated global financial governance method, and oppose the implementation of unilateral sanctions against developing countries, "oppose technology monopolies and other obstacles to development.The unfair approach of China's family technology development calls on the international community to create an open, fair, inclusive, and non -discriminatory environment for the development of the international community. "

Declaration also said that countries and related parties should jointly work and win a win -win cooperation in the fields of global development and scientific and technological development on the basis of discussing, co -construction, and sharing.

According to Reuters, the summit calls on the international community, the United Nations systems and international financial institutions to support the development of southern countries to develop and strengthen the national science, technology and innovation system.

77 National Group and the United Nations official website information shows that the 77th National Group was established in 1964 and is an intergovernmental organization composed of developing countries.