China Economic Daily published a comment article, Chinese Communications GiantHuawei's new mobile phone 60 Pro's hot sale reflects the outside world's expectations of "China core", but "saying that light boats have passed through thousands of mountains, maybe it's too early."

Economic Daily on Wednesday (September 6) published an comment article entitled by the "China core" entitled "China Core".The article states that from Huawei Mate60 Pro suddenly pre -sale to offline stores lined up, in the past few days, all sectors of society have paid attention to the popularity of this Chinese domestic mobile phone. Behind it is the expectation of "China Core", which is a breakthrough.The urgency of blockade is also confidence in the self -reliance of science and technology.

The article pointed out that although Huawei is currently silent about Mate60 Pro's technical details, there are many unknown chips it adopted, but in terms of comprehensive news, it is certain that the "China core" is wearing thorns, thorns, and thorns, and thorns, thorns, thorns.Go forward.

The article wrote: "History and reality tell us that independent innovation can not go, core technology is subject to people, and it may face the" card neck 'at any time.Industry, with the characteristics of high technical content, large capital investment, long investment cycle, etc., is also the most difficult field of independent innovation. However, advanced chips are the foundation of important technologies today, driving for the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence.The core competitiveness of the game. Such key core technologies must not come, buy, or ask, but only rely on independent innovation. "

This article also lists China's two major advantages in chip development.The demand for the large market, and the ability to quickly gather resources and talents.

At the end of the article, it is said that the light boat has passed through the mountains.Do not be discouraged when you are targeted, and you cannot be complacent when you get achievements."Information technology progress is thousands of miles a day, and the chip industry is changing with each passing day. We still need to pay more efforts to use technological innovation as the fundamental, continue to invest in research and development, accelerate technology research, master more core technologies and patents, improve industry independent innovation capabilities and competitiveness. "

The possibility of Chinese public opinion in the last week is optimistic that the possibility of domestic chips breaking through American technology blockade is optimistic, because Huawei’ s newly launched mobile phone at the end of August has been confirmed by international institutions to use the seven -nanometer process made by SMIC.The chip shows that Chinese domestic chips have made breakthroughs.