Reuters quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that as China has increased its efforts to catch up with the United States and other competitors, China will launch a new investment fund to raise 300 billion yuan for its semiconductor industry (RMB, next, nextAt the same time, the huge amount of funds of about 55.9 billion yuan).

Reuters reports that this is likely to be the largest one of the three funds launched by the China Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund (referred to as the Great Fund).According to the Chinese government report, the other two similar funds have raised 138.7 billion yuan and 200 billion yuan, respectively.

People familiar with the matter revealed that the main investment field of the new fund will be chip manufacturing equipment.

People familiar with the matter also said that the Chinese Ministry of Finance plans to invest 60 billion yuan.

It is reported that the Chinese government's leadership has long emphasized that China needs to realize self -sufficiency in semiconductors.After the U.S. government has implemented a series of export control measures in the past few years, this demand has become more urgent.