A person familiar with the matter revealed that in order to soothe the tension between Europe and China, German Chancellor Tsutz invited Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang to visit Berlin on June 20.

According to Bloomberg News on Tuesday (April 25), a person familiar with the matter is quoted that while delineating the red line for any change of the current situation of the Taiwan Strait, Shuoerz is to fight for Beijing to become the main partner to deal with peace and peace and peace and peace and peace and peace with peace and peace and peace and peace.Topics such as climate change.

As Germany struggled for survival due to excessive dependence on Russia's natural gas, Berlin determined to reduce its footprint in the Chinese market.Although Germany regards Beijing as an opponent in some aspects, Tsubitz is decoupled with China, as an important economic and trade partner in Germany and a key destination for exports.

After attending the European Union Parliament held in Brussels last month, Tonalz was asked when asked about the EU's stance on the Chinese position: "We oppose decoupling and support risk."

Sales said: "Enterprises from all over the world are drawn the correct conclusion in the war that invades Ukraine from Russia: it is necessary to ensure the supply chain, sales market and direct investment.In order to ensure that it can spend difficult moments. All of this is happening, and I guess will define the development of the next two or two decades. "

People familiar with the matter revealed that the German and Chinese government has been planning a bilateral meeting for several months for several monthsEssence

The President of the European Council Michelle Monday (24th) stated that European -China policy will be included in the June meeting agenda of the European Council.The Foreign Minister of the EU member states will prepare the negotiation of this issue under the leadership of the EU Foreign and Security Policy Boerley.