(Washington Composite Electric) The President of the House of Representatives of the US House of Representatives announced the journey of Perosia, including Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.She visited Singapore on Monday and Tuesday to meet with President Halima and Prime Minister Li Xianlong.

The statement issued by the Percy Office's office said: "Today, our delegation to the Indo -Pacific region reiterated the firm commitment to the United States for the Indo -Pacific allies and friends. The delegation will be held in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.High -level meetings, discuss how to promote our common interests and values, including peace and security, economic growth and trade, crown diseases, climate crisis, human rights and democratic governance, etc. "

Pelossey pointed out that under the strong leadership of the US President Biden, the United States is committed to developing wise strategic contact in the Indo -Pacific region and understanding that the freedom and prosperity of this region are essential to the United States and global prosperity.

Earlier reports said that Pelosi may visit Taiwan and Indonesia, but it has not mentioned the two places.

Singapore is the first stop of this trip.The Singapore Foreign Ministry said that the delegation led by Pelosi will visit Singapore from August 1st to 2nd, and they will meet with President Halima, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and several cabinet ministers.

This is the first time that the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States has led the Congress to visit the new for the first time.In the United States, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the third place in politics after the president and vice president.

Democratic parties visited with Pelosi, including Gregory Meeks, chairman of the House of Representatives, Mark Takano, chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, and Vice Chairman of the fundraising committee Suzan Delbene,The chairman of the Economic and Consumer Policy Group Committee Raja Krishnamoorthi, as well as Andy Kim, member of the Foreign Affairs Commission and Military Commission.

New American bilateral relations are closely visited. Since the beginning of this year, New Prime Minister Li Xianlong has visited the United States twice and met with Biden at the G20 summit.

In the past year, Singapore's State -owned Assets and Politics, Da Man, and then Treasury Minister Huang Xuncai, Huang Yonghong, Minister of Defense, Dr. Wei Wen, Minister of Foreign Defense, Minister of Trade and Industry, and Yang Liming, Minister of Communications and News, also visited the United States.Biden Cabinet has visited Singapore, including Energy Minister Grandhom, Minister of Defense Austin, Trade Representative Dai Qi, Minister of Commerce Raymond and Vice President Harris.