Some netizens broke the news through social platforms on Thursday (July 28) that tigers in the Wildlife World of Jinan can only eat grass to maintain their lives.Jinan Wildlife World staff responded on Friday that the tiger promoted gastric digestion by eating grass, helping food residues to discharge from the body, and said that too fat tigers would have a bad impact on their health.

According to the report of the Jiupai news, the video shot by netizens shows that a thin Bangladesh tiger bowed his head to eat the grass on the ground, slowly moved between the bones at the limbs and the abdominal fur.

The staff of the Wildlife World of Jinan explained that tigers also eat grass, in order to promote digestion.Tigers are not easy to digest, stimulate the stomach by eating grass, and excrete foods that are not easy to digest.At the same time, the staff also mentioned that there is no situation of not eating tigers. Under the condition of circle, too fat tigers will have a adverse effect on their health.

The staff of the Garden and Forestry Greening Bureau of Jinan City said in response to the media inquiry that the tiger shape and physique in different regions are different.There will be no major problems with artificial breeding species in the management system.

The report quoted Dr. Liu Qunxiu, director of the Shanghai Zoo Shanghai Jorde's Rare Endemuated Wildlife Protection Research Center, once said that although tigers are carnivorous animals, tigers often appear.

From the perspective of scientific analysis, there are two factors for tigers to eat grass: First, it helps it to discharge some things that hinder digestion.For people, dietary fiber helps the intestinal peristalsis, and it is the same for animals.The second is that when the food is too monotonous, it may make some other choices.