(Morning News) Shipping data shows that an oil tank ship hanging from the Russian flag, sanctioned by the United States, and suspected of transporting Iranian oil is driving to Malaysia.

Reuters reported that according to the ship tracking website Marinetraffic.com's Monday (February 28) data, a crude oil ship in the US Treasury sanctioned Russian documents was sailing in the Indian Ocean.It is expected that the crude oil ship named The Linda will arrive at Kuala Linggi Port on the west coast of Malaysia on Sunday.

It is unclear whether the Malaysian authorities have allowed the crude oil to stop at the Port in Guilain.

The Ministry of Malaysia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have not been judged.

Uber -clearing line withdrawal from the Russian joint venture executives

Russia and Uber are tense. Uber Technologies decided to withdraw all senior management personnel in the joint venture with Russian Yandex, at the same time accelerated the pace of withdrawal.

Uber issued a statement on Monday (February 28), indicating that the three existing executives will withdraw from the Yandex joint venture.Uber will leave a non -executing representative to help monitor the remaining asset peeling activities.After Russia launched an attack on Ukraine, more than more and more Western companies have begun to draw a line with Russia, and Uber also stated on the 28th.

When Uber reorganized its food technology and takeaway and transportation business last year, it began to reduce its shares in this joint venture.This joint venture was jointly established with the Russian technology giant of Yandex in 2018.At that time, the joint venture was hoping to merge their "Ride-Sharing" business in Russia and neighboring countries.

But since last year, Uber has sold all shares of its takeaway and independent department in Yandex, and reduced its shares in yandex.taxi's mobile business to about 29 %, valuation of about 800 million US dollars.At the same time, I also agreed to give Yandex's option to acquire the remaining shares.

Yandex also started acquiring the shares of the joint venture in many joint ventures in their joint venture in August last August, including: yandex.eats, yandex.lavka, and yandex.delivery.

As a tension between Russia and Ukraine last week, Uber suspended its operating activities in nine cities in Ukraine.

NOAH Edwardsen said: "In view of the recent conflict, we are actively looking for opportunities to accelerate the sale of the remaining shares, and at the same time dismiss our executives from the board of directors of the joint venture."

He added that yandex is not a state -owned enterprise, so it is not currently sanctioned.

Yandex is a Russian -funded Internet company, which is mainly Russian users, is headquartered in Moscow.The company's products and services include: transportation, search and information services, e -commerce, navigation, mobile applications and online advertising.