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The Russian army continued to launch a fierce attack on multiple fronts in Ukraine.The explosion was loud, and there were fierce battles nearby.The British Department of Defense said that the Russian forces advanced to Kiev have drove only 30 kilometers from the city center.In the southeast, the Russian army claimed that it had won a major city.

(Kiev/Moscow Composite Electric) The Russian army continues to launch a violent offensive against Ukraine. In addition to the capital Kiev at any time, the Russian army also bombarded more large cities.The outdoor ebb caused by the war began to emerge.

The Russian army continued to launch a violent attack on multiple fronts in Ukraine on Saturday. The explosion was repeatedly reported around Kiev, and there were fierce battles in nearby areas.The British Department of Defense said that the Russian forces advanced to Kiev have drove only 30 kilometers from the city center.

The Russian army also launched a cruise missile from the Black Sea to attack multiple cities.The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Saturday that Melitopol, a city in southeastern Ukraine.If it is true, this will be the first densely populated city that Russia has captured in Ukraine.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian army has destroyed 821 military targets so far, including 14 military airports, 19 commanders and communications centers, 48 radar stations, and 24 air defense missile systems.Shooted enemy multiple fighters and armored vehicles.The Ukrainian military said that the Russian army attacked a military unit located on a main channel of Kiev, but was repelled.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine said on Saturday that the war had killed at least 198 Ukrainians, including three children, and at least 1,100 were injured.

A senior official of the US Department of Defense said on Friday that the Russian army's resistance was bigger than Moscow's expectations, and the Russian offensive seemed to weaken.

The senior official also said that the Ukrainian army's command and control system was "still intact."However, the Russian army has only dispatched about one -third of the military forces gathered near the Ukraine border, so it has not attacked at this stage.

After the Russian army entered two days, more Ukraine fled to its neighbors.The Polish Ministry of the Interior said on Saturday that as many as 100,000 people have gone from Ukraine to Poland.UN official estimates that this war may eventually lead to up to 5 million Ukrainians to escape from their homes.

U.S. and European allies do not send troops to support. Ukrainian President Zeleius can only constantly inspire people to resist foreign enemies and continue to seek help from international help.

Zelei Sky sent a video again on Saturday, shouting to the people of the country, and also tweeted that "partner country" is providing weapons to Ukraine to help the Ukraine fight.

He said that he talked with many Western leaders on Friday to support support, including French President Macron, German Chancellor Tsutz and US President Biden.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillin announced on Saturday that it provided additional military assistance to Ukraine of 350 million US dollars (about S $ 472 million), but did not explain which weapons and equipment would provide.

The Security Council condemns Russia's resolution Russia to reject China's abandonment votes

In addition to continuing military operations, Russia also accused Ukraine of refusing to negotiate.Russian President Putin delivered a television speech on Friday, calling on the Ukrainian army to overthrow the Zellezzhi government and "control power in his own hands."

The United Nations Security Council performed on a resolution condemned Russia on the same day. As expected, Russia used its veto rights, and China voted for votes.

There are 15 member states, 11 votes have been voted, and India and the UAE who vote for abandoned votes.

This resolution reiterates the complete sovereignty of Ukraine and requires Russia to stop military operations immediately.Although the voting results were expected, members of the Security Council took this opportunity to severely condemn Russia's aggression.