(Washington Composite Electric) The US Congress Building was shocked and shocked, and the mental state of the US President Trump, which was accused of inciting riots, has attracted much attention, especially his risk of launching nuclear attacks.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi revealed on Friday that she had contacted Miller, the chairman of the Joint Congress of the U.S. Chiefs of Staff to understand how to prevent a "mental disorder" president from using a nuclear attack password.

According to the US Constitution, only the president has the power to use nuclear weapons, and Congress must not intervene. The Ministry of Defense and the military leaders must obey their orders regardless of whether they agree.

A assistant to the President of the United States is a briefcase called "nuclear football" when traveling, which contains operating indicators, attack plans, and nuclear attack code that the president can use.It takes only two minutes to launch the ground nuclear warhead missile, and it takes 15 minutes to launch from the submarine.

Perlis said in a letter to the Democrats: "Nothing is more dangerous than that of such a mental chaotic president. We must do our best to protect the Americans, so as to prevent our country and democracy being subject to him.Unbalanced attack. "

Pelossey revealed that senior military will guarantee that there are still insurance measures to prevent Trump from launching nuclear attacks.However, she did not explain whether the so -called insurance measures were standard operation procedures or additional guarantees for Trump.

Pelosi's letter also mentioned that the possibility of "launching a military confrontation" before Trump's "launching a military confrontation" before the 20th, so Republicans urged Trump to immediately leave.

After Trump's supporters made trouble on Wednesday, Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Shu Mo called on Vice President Pence to quote the 25th amendment to replace Trump's position.