(Morning News) According to the statistics of Reuters, the US crown disease hospitalization case hit a record high on Monday (January 10), under the influence of the contaminated Omikon variable strains, multipleThe state's sanitary system is no longer winning.

The data shows that the crown disease hospital notified on Monday was 132,646, surpassing the record of 132,251 in January last year.

Since the end of last month, the number of crown diseases in the United States has steadily increased, and it has doubled in the past three weeks. During this period, Omikon quickly replaced Delta and became the main in the United States.Propagate the strain.

According to Reuters, in Tellawa, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the American Virgin Islands, Vermia, Virginia, State of Virginia,Washington, DC and Wisconsin, have rewritten records in recent hospitalization cases.

Although the condition caused by Omikon is relatively mild, US health officials warn that due to its amazing infection rate, it may overwhelm the medical system, and it is said that some hospitals are in the face of the surge in patients and the shortage of employees.It has been suspended to provide non -emergency surgery.

On the other hand, the US White House Press Secretary Puski said on Monday that the American people will be able to access the free fast antigen detection agent on the Internet in the late time of this month.

The White House previously promised to provide Americans with 500 million boxes of fast antigen detection agents in January.